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Erratic Cover Reveal!

*Cover Reveal + Preorder Alert!*

Erratic, book 3 of the Arcane Mage Series is officially up for preorder.

Releasing on March 11th.

Are you ready for more of everyone’s favorite mailbox opossum?


The plan was supposed to be simple:

Graduate as a Magical Engineer? Check.

Get people to finally acknowledge my amazing tech skills? Check...

Though it was a little more than I bargained for.

Find that special someone who wants me for me? Check...times a lot.

Avoid the Arcane Heirs at all costs? Erh...

Find out who was behind the resistance and stop them from killing even more people?

It's a work in progress.

Stay out of trouble?


In my defense, chaos and trouble have always found me, no matter where I am.

And having the Arcane Heirs going out of their way to win me over only seems to make things worse.

Conflict is brewing, and I somehow ended up stuck in the middle of it all.

The last thing I wanted was to be caught in this tug of war,

Especially now that my magic has become Erratic.

Haven’t started the series yet?


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